Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rizal retraction is a fraud in Catholic perspective

-The retraction document is flawed. The first sentence says "I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion in which I was born and educated I wish to live and die". Rizal only had seven hours to live at that time the retraction was made and it was night time, the friars suggested that he had slept that time. The words to live and die is wrong.

-The second sentence says that he is retracting to the Church. Rizal would never retract to the Church, because the Church was never his enemy, his enemies were the friars alone.

-The place where Rizal was buried was where enemies of the Church was buried. There were two cemeteries, one for Christians and one for the sinners. If Rizal retracted, why was he not buried in the cemetery for Christians.

-Trining, his sister, said that he did not retract.

-The document was found 30 years after Rizal's death.

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