Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pagan origin of Catholic clergy celibacy

The doctrine of celibacy has no biblical basis. in truth, it is against Christian doctrine to forbid one to marry and to abstain from eating meats. And so this begs the question: What is the origin of the doctrine of priestly celibacy?

Pagan religions of the ancient Mediterranean

In the great pagan religions of the ancient Mediterranean, celibacy was practiced in various contexts. In Rome the institution of the Vestal Virgins, who were required to remain celibate for at least the 30 years of their service, indicates that celibacy was a very ancient aspect of Roman religion. As Classical civilization developed, two ideals of masculine celibacy appeared, that of the ascetic philosopher and that of the priest of the mystery religions. The Pythagoreans are an excellent example of the former. Pythagoras (c. 580 bc–c. 500) established a small community that emphasized study, vegetarianism, and sexual restraint or abstinence.

Many later philosophers believed that celibacy is conducive to the detachment and equilibrium required by the philosopher’s calling. The Stoic philosopher Epictetus (ad 55–c. 135) for example, held that the
ideal teacher would be unmarried and that his task would require freedom from the cares of family life. (my comment: The same of the Catholic priests)

A different mood was set by the celibate priests of the mysteries. Celibacy was especially characteristic of priest-devotees of the Great Mother cults. The well-organized priesthood of the religion of Isis, for example, represented a serene sacerdotalism; sexual abstinence was an absolute requirement of those who celebrated her holy mysteries. In many other cults—e.g., Manichaeism, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism—an inner circle of worshipers was required to observe strict continence. The philosophical and religious ideals of celibacy in the Classical world strongly influenced subsequent practices of celibacy and monasticism in Christianity.


The law of clerical celibacy practiced by other religions is solely based on pagan religions and is therefore not Christian.

The Law of Celibacy Confirmed

14. Hence We consider that the present law of celibacy should today continue to be linked to the ecclesiastical ministry.

JUNE 24, 1967


"Canon 277 - Clerics are obliged to observe perpetural continence (control of sexual desires) and are bound to celibacy."

In the Bible, Even during Moses' time, a priest can marry:

Leviticus 21:1 And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto the priests the sons of Aaron, and say unto them 

Leviticus 21:13 And he shall take a wife in her virginity.
In fact, Apostle Paul taught celibacy not to restrict Christians from marrying.

1 Corinthians 7:35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. (New International Version)
besides, you cant find in the New Testament Bible that a single priest who married should be removed from priesthood.

The Christian celibacy is just a suggestion but not a law that it violated is there is a punishment of removal from priesthood or nunnery.
It is God's order not to imitate the ways of pagan nations:

Jeremiah 10:1 Hear what the Lord says to you, O house of Israel. 
Jeremiah 10:2 This is what the Lord says:

Do not learn the ways of the nations
or be terrified by signs in the sky,
though the nations are terrified by them. (New International Version)

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting references on the cult of Mary. Gospels on Jesus conflict with her.
    Comparative photos show symbology of Mary taken from ancient Egypt.
