A wolf in sheep's clothing
One of the titles of the Catholic priests is "ALTER CHRISTUS" meaning Another Christ. CLICK HERE TO SEE THAT WHAT I AM SAYING IS TRUE Here it is clear that the priests of the Catholic Church are the fulfillment that was warned by our Lord Jesus Christ a long time ago that FALSE CHRISTS will appear.
"For many will come in my name claiming ,I am CHRIST and will deceive many. (Matthew 24:5)
"For FALSE CHRIST and false prophets will appear..."(Matthew 24:24)
According to Apostle St. Paul is they will teach OTHER JESUS to mislead even the elects.
"But I 'am afraid that just Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning ,your minds may somehow .be led from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ .For if someone comes to you and preaches a JESUS OTHER than THE JESUS we preached ,or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received ,or a different GOSPEL from the one you accepted ,you put with it easily enough. (2 Corinthians 11:3-4)
That the false Christs will dress as sheeps but they are ferocious wolves
"Watch out for FALSE Prophets come to you in SHEEP'S CLOTHING but in wardly they are ferocious WOLVES.(Mat.7:15)
They will pretend as sheeps by pretending that they are Christ.
but in reality, they are ferocious wolves with a horn similar to a sheep but they speak like the dragon.
"Then I saw another BEAST ,coming out of the earth ,he had TWO HORN LIKE A LAMP ,but he spoke like a DRAGON. (Revelation 13:11)
This is how the Catholic priests
pretend that they proclaim themselves as ALTER CHRISTUS or ANOTHER
CHRIST but in reality is they are MALE PROSTITUES OF THE SHRINE'S
"They die in thier youth among MALE PROSTITUTES OF THE SHRINE'S". (Job 36:14 NIV)
The Catholic priests bear the title of being an "ALTER CHRISTUS" here you can see that the real Anti Christs are the Catholic priests.
umm actually it is based off the last supper when christ consecrated the bread and wine as his body and then he specifically said "do this in rememberance of me" so in order for the apostles (who the catholics see as the first priests) they had to take christ's place, therefore adopting the title alter christus